
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Escort Service

You potty-brained blog reader! No, I'm not that kinda guy.

It was a different kind of escort.

Visit #1224, Sunday 8 December 19, 11:30AM-1:50PM, 2.6 miles, 2.0lbs. of litter.
Temps in the 30's, sunny.

I didn't really have an agenda this week but fortunately my goal for the day was handed to me by another hiker.

Shortly after I started my hike, I ran into Albert. Albert drove all the way up from New York City to play the part of "secret photographer" as his brother was driving from New York as well with his fiance.

Unknown to her, Albert's brother was planning to propose marriage to her at Castle Craig. Albert's job was to arrive at Castle Craig before his brother and make a surprise appearance to take photos of the special moment.

But Albert didn't know the trails, let alone how to get to Castle Craig. I gave him a map, but decided leading him there would guarantee his success, so I dropped my non-agenda, normal duties and showed him the way. Heaven forbid Albert get lost and freeze to death on the trails; that would go over like a lead balloon on a special day, AND he'd never get the photos! 😊 Thus, I was obligated to assist.

When the time was right, I left Albert to his task. He sent me photos of the happy couple. Congratulations!

In light of the recent snowfall, I had enough foresight to pack my crampons, and the trails had enough ice that crampons were just the ticket for surefooted hiking. If you plan on hiking this winter, carry a pair. You can bet I'll leave mine attached to my backpack for the rest of the winter.

Having left Albert and assuming more humdrum duties, I hiked the Yellow Trail down toward Merimere Reservoir and found a small tree bent over the trail, which I removed with my loppers.

With snow-covered trails, I didn't find much litter, so when I returned to the park I picked litter up from the roadside as I returned to the parking lot.

I mentioned recently that Dunkin' Donuts is phasing out their plastic cups. I wondered how long it would be before I would start finding the new, paper cups while picking up litter in Hubbard Park, since DD is a frequent find.

The answer is, one week.

That was REALLY confirmed when I went to toss my bag of trash into the trash can at the playscape.

Jeezus, it's worse than opioid addiction!

I dropped off my trash for the week.

Near my car, I found a winter cap. I'm taking it home to wash, then if it looks acceptable, I'll drop it off at Goodwill.

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