
Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Smell of Fall

 Crunchy, decaying leaves? Orange, red, and yellow? Yeah; fall is here.

Visit #1272, Sunday 11 October 20, 7:10-9:40AM, 4.1 miles, 17.9lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 60's, sunny and dry.

The sun is rising later in the morning, resulting in later starts to my weekly jaunts. Can't wait until clocks roll back an hour!

Just like last week, it was remarkably warm for an October morning, and I'm not gonna complain.

From the photo above, you can see I hiked up to Merimere Reservoir, and eventually to Castle Craig.

As I cleaned up the area, I quickly filled up a bag of litter. Due to the light weight of the trash bag and the brisk winds, the bag was turning into a tumbleweed, so I tied it off to the sign.

I opened up another bag and soon, that was filled as well.

I thought that would be the end of it so I began walking on the road away from Castle Craig. But within a hundred yards I filled up a third bag. I turned around and eventually tied it to the other two bags. At the end of October, the road to East/West Peaks will be closed for the season and the areas will get some relief from all the littering.

All work and no play makes Peter a dull boy, so I stopped to enjoy the morning view east toward Middlefield.

The hike back to the parking lot included warm sun and more color.

After I dropped off my last bag of litter, I got the idea to do some "fall cooking", and obviously that should include pumpkin. I went grocery shopping at Big Y on Broad Street in Meriden and picked up this insane pumpkin recipe magazine (found in the magazine aisle). I'm ready and smelling fall in my kitchen...

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