
Sunday, March 14, 2021


Daylight Savings Time began this morning. I took advantage of the late sunrise.

Visit #1296, Sunday 14 March 21, 6:05-9:25AM, 4.5 miles, 12.6 lbs. of litter.
Temps in the high 30's, sunny.

On Saturday I took a bike ride to Hubbard Park to firm up my plans for Sunday's adventure. Traveling up West Main Street roughly 1/2 mile from the Hubbard Park entrance, I noticed this marker in Crow Hollow Brook, adjacent to the road:

I found a similar marker farther up West Main Street, back in May of 2019, so I thought the marker in the brook was a duplicate of the former. Yet as I rode the length of West Main Street past Hubbard Park, I could not find the original. One wonders whether this marker was moved and dumped in the brook.

I believe the "C" "H" stands for Crow Hollow, the name of the brook. What the "D" represents is beyond me. I wonder if it has historical significance?

Reaching the trails in Hubbard Park, I checked on some graffiti I painted over last week, on the wooden walkbridge. I was reasonably pleased with the faded result after weathering for a week, but I may spray it again next week, or try some sandpaper.

On Sunday, I took advantage of the late sunrise and entered the trails in the stealth of darkness to paint over graffiti on the bridge abutment of the walkbridge over I-691, graffiti which was plainly visible when driving east on the highway. I was concerned if I were to paint it in daylight some passerby on the highway would call the state police and then I'd have a lot of 'splainin' to do, Lucy!

I didn't take Before photos as it was dark, but these were the results:

It wasn't easy setting up and painting in the dark with only ambient light available, but I made a best effort.

It was barely cracking sunrise when I finished, and I walked over the bridge to paint over other graffiti which I addressed last week with a wire brush. It was easier to see what I was doing now.

Done with that painting, or so I thought, I returned to my car parked across from Belmont Avenue, picked up trash around the area, then drove to the park to drop off the litter, reduce my backpack load, and start a regular hike.

While on my clockwise loop, I found one of the many painted rocks which pop up from time to time. The intended recipient's name was written on the reverse side but to protect their identity I will not show it-strange goings-on in Hubbard Park, if you know where to look!

Reaching Merimere Reservoir, I followed the road back to the park, and kept finding graffiti on the guardrail which needed to be unpainted.

After I found the second scribble, I didn't put the sandpaper away and good thing too, for I found a third.

I found Season of the Missing Glove 2020/21 Entry #14.

Ah, but my greatest find of the day, and proving that picking up litter pays, literally-

Oh yeah, I'm rich!

I dropped off my second bag of trash for the day, and went home to do some more painting, this time on my condominium walls.


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