
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Spring Cleanup


Visit #1306, Saturday 8 May 21, 6:50-10:45AM, 6.6 miles, 9.9lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 60's, cloudy with potential rain showers.

I received a phone call from a Hubbard Park hiker last week informing me of a couple fallen trees across a trail that needed removal. On Thursday I rode my mountain bike to Hubbard Park to check things out.

Tis' the season of cars leaving Castle Craig too late and getting caught behind a locked gate, despite multiple warning signs. I counted five cars in line as I passed the gate, and a sixth car was soon to join the queue as I pedaled up the road.

At Castle Craig, I discovered they're getting ready to stripe the parking lot, a first.

I found the trail in question but conveniently located with the two trees was my Find of the Week.

 Orange fleece on the outside, woodland camo on the inside. Wash and off to Goodwill, ready for next winter.

The trees were attached to the hat.

Armed with a picture of what I to deal with, I returned to the park on Saturday morning with the chainsaw.

I soon collected too much broken glass which was cutting my trash bag, so I left it at the water treatment plant.

Now, up the road, pick up the trail, and back to the tree.

Much like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, thought had to be applied to disassemble this tangle safely. Some of the branches were over my head so I took care in cutting.

Rather than continue to follow the trail, I performed an about-face and returned to the trail head.

I followed other trails to the wooden walkbridge, only to discover another fallen branch. Using my Stihl Photoshop® tool, the branch was removed from the photo.

While Stihl Photoshopping® this branch out of the photo, a man came by and commented he always wondered who was cutting up all the fallen trees and branches. He said he thought they (the city) brought a truck onto the trails or something similarly implausible. I told him I was a leprechaun, and seldom seen. Now he knows the secret.

I returned to the parking lot, disappearing in to next week.

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