
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Damage Assessment, Week II


It was a cold morning indeed.

Visit #1521, Sunday 2 March 25, 7:25-9:15AM, 4.4 miles, 2.0 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the teens, sunny but with a very stiff, cold wind.

I bought new prescription eyeglasses. When hiking in Hubbard Park on a bright, sunny day with snow cover, I practically go snowblind. So with this new prescription I asked for dark Transitions lenses. Boy; that was a mistake.

They turn so dark I can barely see the trail, let alone any litter I'm looking for. Not good. I'm exchanging them for a 20% light brown tint, no Transitions jazz. I chose that number because it's similar to your car's windshield tint (except for everyone who's gone all "gangsta" with super dark tinted windows and even windshields), and the brown is supposed to increase outdoor contrast. Here's hoping for a "brighter" outcome.

For those of you who read last week's blog entry, you'll remember I inspected some trails for damage from the recent ice storm. This week I continue, except the trails I would hike were much closer to the park proper.

Well, I was surprised at the amount of fallen branches I encountered vs. last week. The trails are definitely in need in some cleanup. Weather permitting, I'll be doing just that next week. Here's just a sample of what I found, including a couple widowmakers.

These trails see much more frequent use than the distant trail I hiked last week, and will get the attention they need, sooner.

Referring to last week's graffiti cover up, the After photo I took then was somewhat poorly exposed due to the early daylight. Here's a better photo of my art.

I can't wait for warmer temps!

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