
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Wise Decision

Visit #1201, Sunday 7 July 19, 7:15-9:00AM, 2.2 miles, 2.9lbs. of trash.
Temps in the low 70's, humid.

As reported last week, the flags normally displayed on the I-691 walkbridge were missing. I suspected if I knew the habits of the mysterious person who installs and maintains these flags, they would have them replaced in time for the July 4th holiday.

To satisfy my curiosity, and see how well I know the goings-on in Hubbard Park, I took a quick bike ride to the walkbridge on July 4th to see if I was right.

What does this tell ya? Both flags were present.

Filled with smugness at being right, I turned around and rode home.

Saturday's equatorial heat and humidity  would not make for an enjoyable hike, so I made the wise decision to choose Sunday instead, where lower temps and humidity would hopefully make things more tolerable.

And as promised from last week (I just KNOW you were dying to see this sequel!) I returned with my boltcutters to remove the lock hanging from the fencing on the I-691 walkbridge, so I could add it to last week's collection.

Done on the walkbridge, I hiked over to the parking area on West Main Street adjacent to Belmont Avenue, and found the car bumper part. Being lightweight despite its size, I was able to carry it with me back to the park rather than ask the parks department to pick it up.

I returned to the park proper and and cleaned up the parking area in the northwest corner of Mirror Lake. I managed to fill up two trash bags and was ready to carry everything back to the trash cans, when I spotted two young summer parks employees with an ATV picking up trash around Mirror Lake. From a distance, they saw me and knew exactly what I needed, and drove over and took the bags and the bumper from me. I wanted to weigh everything as is my custom, but my scale was misbehaving, so I gave up and just let them take the trash.

Returning to the trail, I found this tree which was maliciously bent over. I could not remove it from the trail so I'll have to return next week with a saw.

I returned to the parking lot with my last bag of litter and finished for the day, before the temps and humidity would become an issue.

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