
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Pete The Carpenter


Another rain slogged weekend. The Daffodil Festival can't catch a break.

Visit #1421, Sunday 30 April 23, 7:45-9:45AM, 4.2 miles, 2.0 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the 50s, rain.

On Thursday-a sunny day believe it or not- I rode my mountain bike in Hubbard Park. Reaching the walkbridge near the beehive fountain, I found the walkbridge had been vandalized and one of the planks broken in half.

Hmmm; what to do about it?

Well, early Saturday morning in yet more rain, I returned to take some measurements. Hiking in, I found the hat and bottle. I'll clean both and bring them to Goodwill. Actually, they were where you see them on my Thursday mountain bike ride yet no one bothered to take them during the intervening days.

Later on that rainy Saturday I went shopping for repair parts for the bridge.

On Sunday morning, I hiked in with a brand new board and tools.

My checklist:

1- 2x6" pressure treated board, I cut it to 48" length, pre-drilled it for screws and painted the board at home. Installed with the relieved edge facing up.

6 - tamper resistant screws suitable for outdoor use and pressure treated lumber.

-And all the tools so the job goes smoothly.

As a bonus, I'm left with a perfect 48" piece of lumber should another plank need replacement, and enough screws left over for next time.

I celebrated my successful job by enjoying a continued hike in the rain.

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