
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother Nature on Mothers' Day

 "Change is the handmaiden Nature requires to do her miracles with."

-Mark Twain.

Visit # 1478, Sunday 12 May 24, 6:20-8:50AM, 4.8 miles, 1.0 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 50s, cloudy with possible showers later today.

The trails are constantly changing, whether eroding from rain runoff or from dying, falling trees.

This week I would seek the latter.

Enroute to those trees, on walkbridge over I-691, I found some new graffiti which I stopped to remove.

Tools out, and some scrubbing...

Further along the bridge I found this:

Last December I reported finding a rash of padlocks on the bridge. Turns out it's a thing, called Love Locks. I'll return next week to remove this one.

Onward to the fallen trees which I discovered last week, all on the same trail.

Here you can see some of my prior trail clearing work in the background.

Done trying to tame Mother Nature for the day, I walked back to the park.

Along the way I found illegal fishing season in Merimere Reservoir is open for the year.

Cloudy skies tell me Mother Nature will soon be sending showers down on Mothers' Day.

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