
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...

Visit #1218, Saturday 26 October 19, 6:40-9:15AM, 3.0 miles, 3.1lbs. of litter.
Temps in the high 50's, sunny. That is, after the sun RISES!

First, in reference to the painted rocks I continue to find along the trails. An informed blog follower told me this local trend began in Wallingford, although I can't find any reference to it.

In a recent blog post, I lamented the graffiti being painted on the road in conjunction with the many fundraising walks/runs that take place in Hubbard Park and around Merimere Reservoir. Also last week, I tried covering the graffiti with spray paint but it wasn't very effective. I returned this week to do a better job.

I started before sunrise so the paint would have a chance to dry before any early morning walkers/joggers/cyclists passed by. Believe it or not, I saw all three, before 7:30 in the morning! Coincidentally, there was an actual running event being held on Saturday; I can only hope the paint dried in time!

I drove to the location of the farthest graffiti I was aware of, and worked my way back toward the park. It was so dark when I began that I had to use my camera's flash to capture the photos.

Here you can see where I tried with spray paint a couple weeks ago, but ran out of paint.

I returned to the park a painted over the last sign.

I then turned my attention back to the trails, hiking a short counterclockwise route from Merimere Reservoir to the I-691 walkbridge and back to the park.

It was while cleaning up the recent wind damage on the trails that I discovered this hanging branch, but at that time my travels didn't take me to this spot. This week I was able to trim the low branches.

On the return leg to the parking lot, I found a watch cap. I'll wash it and drop it off at Goodwill. This is the perfect time of year to start wearing one, so someone should get a good bargain.

I returned to the park and dropped off my trash for the week.

Next week, the road to East/West Peak will be closed for the season, making it more enjoyable for the many people who use the road for recreation.

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