
Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Civic Duty


While the heatwave continues in to its second week, I'll bet this gaggle of geese doesn't mind; they can spend all the time in the water that they want.

Visit #1487, Sunday 14 July 24, 6:20-8:40AM, 4.8 miles, 3.1 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the 70s rising to the 90s with heat advisories in effect, sunny and very humid.

First, a little side story.

I had returned from Hubbard Park Sunday morning and began to work on my blog when POOF!, my iMac went dead. Nothing-no screen, no chime, no turn on relay, nothing. 

I figure the power supply is dead. That means repair or replace. Of course, we all rely so much on our devices these days that we can't be without them. I wanted to get up and running ASAP so I could only see one option; buy a new iMac and repair the dead one later if possible.

Off to the Apple Store at Westfarms. I don't need to tell you what this cost. Then there were the required accessories to connect my existing equipment. Wallet Ouch.

I return home and before installing the new iMac, I decide to make a sandwich. I open up the refrigerator and the light is dim. What is this?

I'm not an electrician by trade but an electronic technician so I know some basic AC theory. I break out my test tools and discover one side of my condo has no power, but no circuit breakers are tripped at the fuse panel. Huh?

That means I have an electrical problem in my unit so I call an electrician and arrange for service on Monday. In the meantime I run an extension cord to the working side of my condo and begin to work on the blog when I receive a call from my employer; a coworker needs help. I leave and spend four hours in New Haven.

I arrive home at 10PM to see Eversource in the parking lot. I ask what's going on because I wonder whether it's related to my problem.

It is! Eversource is connecting a temporary generator while they address the problem.

So I don't need an electrician, I can return my unopened new, 24" iMac, and get my money back!

I now return you to the blog.

Last week I discovered a newly fallen tree on the trail behind the water tank.

That made this a Power Tool Weekend®. I brought the chainsaw and opened up the trail.

I hiked up the Yellow Trail to the Blue Trail, and up to the road between East/West Peak.

On the way down I discover this:

Well now; methinks I can save the parks department some labor, save the taxpayers some money, and remove this since I just so happen to be well equipped today.

The return leg to the park was cool and breezy, taking the edge off the humidity.

My find of the week was this leftover fishing tackle found at the south end of Merimere Reservoir.

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