
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rounding The Corner


Do you see any corners? I don't see any corners. But trust me; we've rounded a corner.

Visit #1491, Sunday 11 August 24, 7:00-9:30AM, 5.2 miles, 5.4 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 60s, sunny and dry.

After weeks and weeks of just life sapping heat and humidity, Sunday dawned with that perfect summer weather.

It appears that graffiti within the park proper has become more common, or at least I hope my sample of two in two weeks is not indicative of a trend.

Last week I found some graffiti on the gate leading to the Soap Box Derby track. This week I discovered some on this steel box:

I thought I could lick it with sandpaper or graffiti remover but neither had any effect.

However, for every problem there is a solution, and I shall return next week with the Arnold Schwarzenegger of graffiti removers and vanquish this foe.

The remainder of today's hike  up to West Peak was scenic, quiet, and devoid of graffiti.

Now to start training for next week's bout with that steel box...

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