
Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Was Packin'

 It was a day for work. Load 'em up!

Visit #1493, Saturday 24 August 24, 6:50-9:20AM, 5.0 miles, 1.0 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 60s, sunny and dry.

I discovered a couple fallen trees on my hike last week. Let's go remove them.

I picked up the trail at the north end of Merimere Reservoir and hiked up.

Here was my first task. The trail goes directly over the rock.


The other tree was very near the top end of the trail. The trail is in there somewhere between those two trees...

I found it and re-established the trail.

Hiking down a steep trail, I could hear the footsteps of an early morning trail runner approaching from behind. Just as we met, we both slipped on the loose dirt and almost caught ourselves.

This particular trail has apparently seen some of the damage from last Sunday's "training thunderstorms" even though the most severe damage appeared west of Waterbury. I know I got dumped on but good.

Arriving home, I confirmed the "almost caught" part.

Hiking across the wooden walkbridge I spied this rusted piece of an old abandoned car. The car was removed decades ago and the chunk of metal just appeared recently, which is strange considering the countless times I've crossed this bridge. I carried it with me back to the park.

I dropped off today's haul and went home to unpack.

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