
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Put Away Those Whites!

 Time to retire my sweat soaked hat for the season.

Visit #1494, Sunday 1 September 24,  6:45-8:55AM, 4.9 miles, 3.8 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 70s, cloudy/foggy and very humid.

This morning's dew point equaled the temperature which made for some sweaty conditions despite the cool temps.

In the past few weeks I was able to inspect and clear most of the trails from recent storm damage. I cheated a little bit and used my mountain bike to inspect one trail yesterday, finding it clear. That freed me up to hike the Blue Trail along the western ridge of Merimere Reservoir this morning.

Along the trail today I separately found these two playing cards, the start of a good hand.

Things got REALLY sweaty hiking up to Castle Craig.

Driving down East Main Street enroute to Hubbard Park this morning, I couldn't even SEE Castle Craig. Once I reached Castle Craig, I couldn't even see Meriden!

Even the castle and the flagpole were in a fog.

I connected to the Blue Trail and continued my hike along the ridgeline.

Passing a log, what I first dismissed as just another white mushroom turned out to be this:

At the north end of the reservoir I stopped to take a drink.

Now to head home to wash and put away my white hat. 

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