
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Things to Think About

Visit #1210, Sunday 8 September 19, 6:55-8:20AM, 2.5miles, 5.0lbs. of trash.
Temps in the low 60's, dry and sunny.

I brought a can of spray paint to cover over the last of the  paintballers' graffiti that I started two weeks ago. 

But before I reached the graffiti, I encountered an a newly fallen tree, one which was standing upright last week. I had been watching this tree for years, waiting for it to fall.

Due to its leaning position and its size, clearing this tree from this heavily used trail will be difficult. I've considered rerouting the trail around the tree. I've got something to think about for the next week.

Just beyond this fallen tree was my final piece of paintball graffiti.

I covered it over and didn't touch the trail marker.

I hiked up over I-691 and walked along the main trail, where I found a discarded t-shirt.

It appears to be in decent shape so I'll bring it home, wash it, and donate it to Goodwill.

Discarded items seemed to the be the theme for today. Further up the trail I found a perfectly usable metal waterbottle.

But the next discarded item I found took top billing for today. Viewer discretion is advised.

Yes, dear reader; that's blood in that shopping bag. A lot of blood.

Now I really had something to think about.

I returned to the park and dropped off my bag for the day.

I leave you this week with a view toward the Halfway House as the sun begins to rise over Meriden.

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