
Sunday, August 5, 2018

I Got Hosed

Merimere Reservoir was glass-smooth on Sunday, which was a change from Saturday's rain.

Visit #1151, Sunday 5 August 18, 8:05-9:25AM. Temps in the high 70's, sunny and muggy.

Last week I used my chainsaw to clear two fallen trees from a particular trail. A few days later, I receive a report from someone who was hiking that particular trail earlier this week, and they said there were two MORE trees down. I was surprised, and skeptical of their claim, but trusted them anyway. So, on Sunday I saddled up the chainsaw for the second consecutive week to perform trail maintenance.

But first I had to GET to Hubbard Park. I planned to start early and avoid the heat, but Amtrak had other plans, and they included hosing me. The railroad gate had just closed when I arrived at the Britannia Street crossing. It sure was taking a long time for the train to show up. So long, in fact, that cars started turning around, taking left turns on red, and any other imaginable action, because the train wasn't comin' and the gate wasn't liftin'.

    (From later on Sunday)

But I'm a most patient and trusting person, and only decided to find an altermative route after precisely 10 minutes of waiting. But I also took action; I spied the handy sign at the crossing and made a call to Amtrak to advise them of the stubborn gate.

I eventually reached the north end of Merimere Reservoir and picked up the same trail as last week.

Except I hiked the entire length of the trail and didn't find ANY fallen trees. I was hosed AGAIN!

At the end of the trail and picked up the road and hiked back to my van, picking up trash as I walked.

It turned out to be a short hike, but at least I avoided the rising heat and humidity of this Sunday.

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