
Sunday, August 12, 2018


"Sticky Icky Wicky Make Your Mind Go Tricky
Make A Kind Man Wanna Be Rough,
Sicky Icky Wicky Make Your Mind Go Thicky
Make The Gentle Wanna Be Tough,
Sticky Icky Wicky Make Your Mind Go Tricky
Make A Good Girl Wanna Be Bad,
Sicky Icky Wicky Make Your Mind Go Thicky
Drive Sane Folks Totally...Mad."

 "Oil"-Jeff Beck
(Foxwoods Casino, 23 July 2016)

Well; it wasn't the same kind of sticky in Hubbard Park on Sunday, but it made me think
of these lyrics!

Visit #1152, Sunday 12 August 18, 7:40-9:25AM. Temps in the 70's, overcast and very humid, with showers or thunderstorms possible all day.

If you were a mushroom, you were lovin' the weather. 

I walked west from the playscape, on the trails toward the I-691 walkbridge, trimming all the drooping branches and brush, heavy with the rain of the last week. Upon reaching the walkbridge, I did a little housekeeping, removing the leftover grommets and tyraps which secured the two American flags to the fence. Both flags have been removed, due to their state of disrepair.

At the same time, I made note of the progress of the weed killer I sprayed several weeks ago on the vines growing at both ends of the fence. I call it a success.

I marched onward to the trailhead at West Main Street across from Belmont Avenue, picking up litter along the way, then turned around and pointed myself back to the park.

Crossing a small walkbridge across from Mirror Lake, which I've done many times, I spied this painted rock for the first time. I've found similar rocks before at various places throughout the park.

I ended the day walking around the Soap Box Derby track and the retention ponds, picking up litter, then returned to the parking lot, the trails a little bit cleaner, and me a whole lot stickier.

If I didn't know better, I'd say this is what a happy mushroom looks like.

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