
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Braving The Weather

 Sunday had it all; warm temps, high humidity, sprinkles, and bugs.

Visit #1484, Sunday 23 June 24, 5:55-7:45AM, 3.5 miles, 3.3 lbs. of litter.

In the midst of a heatwave-early morning temps in the 70s, 70% humidity, overnight rain with spotty showers.

Last week I discovered a fallen tree on the trail marked by yellow ducks, located on the south side of I-691. Because of the uncomfortable weather we're having, I deployed very early to avoid most of the nastiness. It sorta worked.

Due to the location of the fallen tree, it was easier to park in the northwest corner of Mirror Lake and carry my chainsaw in.

Here is the fallen tree as I inspected it with my mountain bike during a ride in equally nasty heat and humidity last week.

Lingering early morning showers from Saturday evening's thunderstorm kept the bugs at bay as I surveyed the scene Sunday morning.

Twenty minutes later:

I returned the chainsaw to my car and continued on a hike. Oddly, mosquitos were a problem until I crossed over the highway, then they weren't almost non-existent. I won't complain.

While the showers stopped it wasn't getting any drier out. I had enough fun in these muggy conditions; it was time to go home to a more comfortable environment.

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