
Sunday, June 30, 2024



It was a muggy day out there.

Visit #1485, Sunday 30 June 24, 6:05-8:30AM, 5.2 miles, 45.6 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the low 70s, cloudy/foggy/humid, with a slight breeze and thunderstorms predicted for later in the day.

In early June I found some abandoned car tires at West Peak. I wanted to hike up there this morning to see if they were ever picked up.

Walking up the road I found a repeat of a sticker I'd previous removed elsewhere in the park back in April. Of course this had to go, as well.

The sticky conditions were not that bad as it was relatively cool, and there was just a touch of a breeze. But it sure looked gloomy.

This is the "non-view from West Peak. 

At the West Peak parking lot it was good to see the tires were in fact collected, thanks to the Meriden Parks Department.

In their place however, someone, for I'm sure this was all the work of one person/group, dumped a lot of trash.

Part of the collection was a bag full of shoes. If Cinderella wears Puma sandals, then I just missed my opportunity.

Gathering up all the junk stretched my supply of trash bags but I got it done. I hung them on the fence to hopefully keep critters away until the parks department again does a fabulous job.

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