
Sunday, June 16, 2024

More of the Same


I did remind you it's the season for bug repellent. It was murder out there!

Visit #1483, Sunday 16 June 24, 6:15-7:25AM, 4.3 miles, 1.0 lbs. of litter.

Temps in the 60s rising to the low 80s, sunny, dry, and breezy.

I took an unrecorded mountain bike ride through Hubbard Park on Thursday. Whatever you do, don't stop to fix a flat tire like I did; you'll get feasted upon by mosquitoes. I started very early on Sunday in cooler, drier weather hoping to get work done before the mosquitoes headed out for breakfast.

I thought the tires I found last week  would be the last I'd see of rubber donuts. But I'd forgotten about an abandoned tire I eagle-eyed many months ago off-trail near the I-691 walkbridge. It was cold and the ground was hard when I first spotted it; no way I was going to remove it then; I would wait until the thaw.

That would be this morning.

I had to work quick because word was spreading among those blood suckers.

Three minutes later...

Getting it back to the park was no picnic. The tire was filled with dirt and not as rollable as it looks. But I succeeded, and left it next to a trash can.

I headed back onto the trails where, as long as you were moving, reasonably kept the mosquitos at bay.

Along the hike I found yet more of those prayer notes I found last week. I guess the first batch weren't answered by their intended recipient.

You can't make up this stuff.

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